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Marianas Variety Newspaper Comments....8-10-02
I am tickled PINK that Maddie and Congressman Joe Wilson referenced me & chamori nation as the "fringe" group delaying
the military buildup. The operative word should be "truth" and "human rights". I am pretty sure they are referring to my denouncement
letter to Rear Admiral Paul Bushong's comments last Friday: my grandpa's parable...."Your indescretions of the past will one day bite you." This is exactly what is happening.
It was during Ricky's administration that the Navy sprayed DDT islandwide because of the influx of Vietnamese Refugees. It
was during Ricky's Administration that the Air Force sprayed Agent Orange @ AAFB guam. It was during Ricky's Administration
that the Navy dumped PCB on Cocos Island and others. So my question remains to Rear Admiral Bushong and others: Why are your
trying to MURDER my people? Never mind that Maddie, Guamanian Calvo and the geeks in the Legislature are hinting amnesia
to define the $Billions expected from Uncle Sam. Never mind that the VA is now accepting & paying claims for Agent Orange
Exposures while in Vietnam. Or accepting & paying claims for DDT & PCB exposures at Camp Lejeune. I have been arguing
these facts for 40-years.
Maga'saina Matakanga
Spiritual Leader of the Chamori Peoples of
Guahan, Luta, Tinian, Saipan, Agrigan, Alamagan,
Anatahan, Sarigan, Guguan, Pagan & Maug.
The Japanese people of Okinawa did not want the marines on their island. What makes you so sure
that we want them on ours? Wait. Don't tell me. You are respecting the Japanese people. Yet, who cares about the people of
Guahan (guam), right? Stick them with the Marines, whether they want them or not. Right? Reminds me of the Pilgrims and the
Native Americans. Hand them some trinkets and keep them happy. Enough is enough. We don't care for your trinkets or your federal
grants or your Stimulus Monies. The People of Guahan (guam) are patriotic and sincerely dedicated Americans. BUT this is really
not about Patriotism. This is about Saving our island; Our Identity; Our Dignity and our Honor. SAY HELL NO TO THE MILITARY
Still waiting on Admiral Willard and the Obama WH to clear the issue whether or not Guahan (guam)
will tip over and sink into the Trench. This is a very serious matter and we want straight answers from DOD. Maybe Obama and
Willard believe this is a JOKE like most of you pinheads here. The science is there now give us some answers. We don't want
to wait until the island does tip over and sink into the trench and then receive condolences from Obama, Admiral Willard and
all you pinheads. We can't wait until our water system is contaminated with Toxic Waste like Camp Lejeune's and then listen
to the sob story that "We didn't know". READ MY LIPS: The Marines are NOT WELCOMED ON GUAM.BY
Thank you Mary O. Congressman Johnson is doing a fine job in Georgia. Actually, he is doing
a Great job keeping the Guam Issue alive…since our own Delegate Bordallo has already sold us out to the Military interests,
the carpetbaggers and the Japanese Hotel Owners. Thank You Hank Johnson. Guam Loves you, Baby. When are you folks gonna get
it. Whether Mr. Johnson was joking or not…is no longer the issue here. We do not want this military buildup if it will
destroy our island ecosystem. Call on Admiral Willard and President Obama. Send the Marines to Hawaii or California. The Marines
are NOT welcomed on our little island. PERIOD. Let the Military destroy your own backyard. Look at Camp Lejeuene?We do not
want the same here. Congressman Johnson is a national Hero.BY
Muna: After reading you post you're most welcomed to have Johnson. It appears to me Johnson
would be a perfect fit for you. I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to get his address, write him a letter and request
he relocate to your perilous island. He could then devote all of his time to his pie in the sky queries about the edge of
the earth. My condolences.BY
The Chamori of Guċhan (Guam) are trying to gain control of their island as we begin to redeploy some 17,000 Marines and
dependents from Okinawa. There are small groups seeking independance from our federal government throughout our country and
Seeking your Advise. Most of our people here believe it is too late to save our people. Lawrence Muna, Regina Borja,
Roman Mafnas, Lolita Manglona and Roke Terlaje were founding members of the Republic of Guahan in the 70s and they
believe it is too late.
These weird and crazy bonbons are telling us just how sick our people are, right now. Should we convince our Saina to
end his crusade of trying to change our island and our people in a civil and responsible manner? Should we advice him that
it is way too late and the only solution is to Declare INDEPENDENCE & resurrect the Republic of Guahan; establishing our
own Chamori government?
My Saina made a sacred vow to our ancestors to bring back our ancient identity and unite the Chamori people.
So far things are working as expected from America's view, the President and the Congress. The only concern we have is our own
people and their irrational sentiments with accepting the Spanish identity as our very own. GovGuam, GVB, DOE and the Church,
especially have been terribly resistant. It doesn't bother us to continue our criticism of the Church but is it worth it?
When our own people call us SICK and abnormal for being passionate and right, while the Archbishop, the folks at GVB
and Umatak are considered SANE and PROPER, you can only wonder.
Is it too late to SAVE our people and our island? Is it too late to communicate in a civil and meaningful dialog? Should
we DECLARE Independence and move Guahan from there?
We have the will, the right, the resources and the justifications.
Thank you for your thoughts,
PamelaSanchez wrote:
Here is a suggestion. When President Obama visits the island, GVB can do a re-enactment of the TINTA
MASSACRE. Call it "IchiBan Day". You can have five (5) Japanese Imperial Soldiers dressed in their fatigues with their samurai
swords. Then put five (5) old chamori men or women kneeling before a shallow grave. At the count of five (5) (Ichi, Ni, San,
Si, Go) they chop their heads off. Or we can have two Japanese soldiers raping a young chamori girl in front of her weeping
parents. Let's do it. We can video tape the event and post it on YouTube. The Archbishop can declare a Christian Holiday.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
ETHNIC CLEANSING? JIHAD? Once again, GVB wants you to celebrate the Spanish Atrocities. The Raping of
our women. The Vilification of our forefathers. The forceful delivery of their Christian Religion upon our people. The murders
of our ancestors in the name of God. Celebrate it and embrace it. Wonder why people around the world are laughing at us? We
have adopted the culture and Identity of our abusers. What is next folks? The people of Malesso' celebrating the TINTA MASSACRE?
You people are SICK.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
Do you support the Military Buildup? Do you support the Tourism Industry? MY SAINA DOES TOO, believe
it or not. But with certain conditions. Mr. Adolf Sgambelluri and his Sempre Fi crowd have been writing to me and I have been
responding to them, even though they scream "AuuuuRaaaaa" with every beat. We have transmitted my Saina's visions to the W.H.
and the Congress to outline what we want and why. If you would like a copy of my Saina's programs or would like to be included
in our communications network, please email me at: Like they say: politics is the art of compromise.
This can be a "WIN-WIN" for everyone, excepting of course FOODSTAMP and WELFARE.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
Replying to ICEMAN671:
Replying to PamelaSanchez:
Ricky Bordallo's favorite caveat was: I prefer to be a big fish in a pond than a small fish in the ocean.
we complete this sacred mission....My Saina will surely become:
"a WHALE in the Pacific"
Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
No, with a little luck he will become the next Jim Jones.....
back. I'm back. I see Mr. ICEMAN671 continuing his racial demures. Your last statement sez it are somehow wishing
my Saina will emmulate Jimmy Jones and commit suicide. Fat chance of that ever happening. Why do you have this initimate fear
for my Saina? If you find him as DUMB and STUPID and CRAZY, and WRONG, why do you persist with your postings here? Don't tell
us that his message is resonating with you, too. Is it? Don't admit that he is rallying our people in-droves and you can't
accept that. Oh, Mr. ICEMAN671, you are such a pity.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
Yeah. We are pleased and elated that the Name Change issue will be heard by the Legislature. It comes
at the most opportune time. We want the Legislature to fall in line with our sacred cause but we want the people to decide,
as well. You won't believe this but My Saina is hopeful the people will REJECT IT. Why? Because it will lay credence to our
allegations against America committing the crime of ETHNIC CLEANSING. I can assure you that the more people scream against
this sacred cause, the closer we are to forcing the Congress to correct their heinous and dispicable mistake. This is trully
a federal issue as they initiated this in 1898. I guess you folks are caught between a rock and a hard place. Please Enjoy.
To the Outrigger Hotel.
My Saina extends his Thanks and appreciation to your organization for hosting "TASI" and
their wonderful work in the Ancient Arts. The Flying Proa and the Sakman were marvelous testaments of the beauty and richness
of Guahan's ancient culture.
Your new proclamation shows a clear starting point that the Visitor Industry is coming
on-board to highlight our Ancient Identity. You have our deepest gratitude. We are confident the other hotels will follow
your lead and our GVB will subscribe to this sacred calling.
Anina Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
This is wonderful NEWS.
The President to visit our island on the 18th. We have been anxiously
awaiting word on his itinerary so we could plan out our Protest Rally in Honolulu. Thank you very much.
STOP ethnic
Cleansing NOW.
Change GUAM to GUAHAN.
STOP the Military Buildup.
SEND the Marines ABG (anywhere but Guahan).
the MILITARY & WELFARE are bad industries for our Island. These cookie cults Robbed us of our Dignity & Honor; they
destroyed our Culture & Traditions; They muted our Language & Identity; and together Displaced our People.
Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
This name change situation is America's PROBLEM. They will fix it & they pay for
it. Everything on our island, every problem (social, political, cultural, and what have you?) came as a result of this Ethnic
Cleansing. One needs to get to the root of the evil before one can fix the side-effects. My Saina sez...Once we correct this
Injustice, everything else will fall into place & correct themselves. Anina Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
Replying to whatstopsign:
Replying to PamelaSanchez:
RACIST! Thank you. Please direct that statement to Governor Leary and the
U.S. Navy. They changed our island's name from GUAHAN to GUAM. We did NOT. Now that we are trying to correct this injustice,
We are the RACISTS? Get Real, buddy.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
Our protest Rally in Honolulu is a GREEN LIGHT.
STOP Ethnic Cleansing NOW.
Change our
island's name from GUAM to GUAHAN.
Send the Marines ABG (Anywhere But GUAHAN)
the MILITARY & WELFARE are bad industries for our island. These fickle pickles robbed us of our dignity & honor; destroyed
our culture & traditions; muted our language & identity; and collectively displaced our people.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
My Saina wants to extend a warm & sincere Thank You to the people of Okinawa and the people of Japan
for reconsidering this crazy troop movement. We also thank our own people for believing in us and our strong voice against
this unsustainable project. It is time for our leaders to rollup their sleeves and begin the work of introducing new green
technology industries and new hi-technology programs to our little paradise. In a way, this experience has been good since
it forced us to step-back and re-assess what is truly important and good for our community. It is time for the Visitor Industry
to revamp their mantra and work with our people so we can finally become united in our own sacred identity. It is time for
our Congress to accept the wrongs of the past and facilitate immediate corrective measures in changing the name of our island
from GUAM to GUAHAN; and recognizing that we are CHAMORI. Ginen i Saina.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
Please don't try and paint us to the radical right because we are not. Ethnic Cleansing is REAL and
happening as we speak. You can never dispute that our Ruling Crooks embellished the demise of our island. America is so to
blame for this, too. Bail outs, bail outs and more bail outs. Is this America's idea of justice? To pander to our Ruling Crooks
inspite of their Incompetence and NON-performance? Inspite of the mental void and lack of imagination? No sir, America knows
where we are coming from. Though we appear as the BAD GUYS, it's the only way to move our people and our island forward. How
can we be critical of America on one hand and Love America on the other? We have to be the BAD GUYS to effect the real changes
necessary. Our island has been stagnant for 60-years, thanks to our friendly neighborhood CROOKS. America and our own people
are sensing a NEW HOPE and we aim to DELIVER. Anina Chamori.
Replying to Manachang:
You are wildly misinformed. We are not the American Indians. We are Chamori from the Paradise Island of Guahan.
We are the Greatest Citizens of America. It is our destiny. But before we can marshall ourselves to assume that role, we must
unite and take back our identity. Our island will become America's footprint for the future. We will make our country GREAT
again. This is the irony with our local leaders who have no visions and no imaginations. Please check out our web site: The entire world is rallying behind us. My Saina will make things happen. Anina Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
Aileenperezsoto wrote:
Are you Chamoru? Are you Chamorro? Are you Chamori?
Here is the REAL Litmus TEST.
go and watch the Pa Taotao Tano' dancers perform their ancient skids. If you experience the "ma'agoddai' aka Goose Pimples....Then
you are CHAMORI. This means that our ancestors are REACHING OUT TO YOU. If you don't experience any these weird feelings,
THEN you are something else. Try it and you will believe. Anina Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
Aileenperezsoto wrote:
It boggles the mind how many experts we have about our island and our people. Especially folks from
the outside. We have Mr. FILIPINO_POWER telling us that the real name of our island is BAHAM., because he read it somewhere.
We had Laura Thompson who told us we had 3-classes of people and Chamori were the ruling class. Then came Governor Leary who
forced this idiotic name of GUAM upon us without reason or just cause. STOP it already. We know who we are. It is a spiritual
enlightenment. We are CHAMORI from the paradise island of GUAHAN.
lolitamanglona wrote:
You are absolutely correct Mr. Beline. And this places the monkey squarely on the back of Congress.
They initiated an illegal act and perpetuated this illegal act for a 100-years. Ethnic Cleansing? You bet. Governor Camacho
has done his part by pointing us in the right direction. He can now step aside or take another trip. Our Senators can join
us in correcting this injustice or they can sit back and enjoy the war. My Saina will make this HAPPEN. Anina Chamori. Abiba
Please re-read your statements and THINK. Governor Leary DID NOT ask Us when he decided to change our island's
Name from GUAHAN to GUAM. Our people never voted back then. They had no choice. Secondly, He was the appointed governor of
the island and his authority came in the form of a Navy Directive (Similar to an Executive Order).
This is good because
it further substantiates Governor Leary's motives and illegal actions.
Please tell Governor Felix Camacho that he has
done his part. He can now step aside or take a long vacation. My Saina will Take-Over from Here.
Anina Chamori. Abiba
TO: PDN, KUAM, K-57, & Cable News.
My Saina and our International Legal Team express their warm and heartfelt Thank You for highlighting these programs:
GVB, Discovery Day Celebration, DOE Chamorro Studies, etc.
These are concrete evidence against America and the ETHNIC CLEANSING they have fomented upon our people. Please continue
showcasing these programs so the whole world will witness how deeply entrenched America's MURDER PLOT really is. Please continue
this expose' so the entire world will understand our Sacred Cause. Our Ancestors are PROUD.
Anina Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
We are LOVIN IT.
RokeTerlaje wrote:
DOE Chamorro Studies Division.
STOP PROMOTING our people and our island. Everytime you call us
GUAM instead of GUAHAN, you are violating the sacred human rights of our people. Everytime you identify us as GUAMANIANS,
CHAMORROS, CHAMORUS, you become an accessory to the most heinous & dispicable crime of ETHNIC CLEANSING. What Naval Governor
Leary did in 1898 by changing our island's name from GUAHAN to GUAM was pure and unadulterated MURDER of our people and our
race. We are Chamori from the Paradise Island of Guahan. Your continued promotion of the Spanish theme is completely UNACCEPTABLE.
We hated the Spanish. They Raped our women. They villified our ancestors. They forced their religion upon us. They murdered
our ancestors in the name of GOD. Talk about JIHAD. We cannot and will not embrace their atrocities. Anina Chamori. Abiba
Guahan. 3/3/2010 5:48:30 AM
STOP PROMOTING our people & our Island. Everyday that you call us GUAM instead of GUAHAN, you are violating the sacred
human rights of our people. Everytime you call us GUAMANIANS, CHAMORROS, CHAMORUS, you become an accessory to the most heinous
& dispicable crime of Ethnic Cleansing. What Naval Governor Leary did in 1898 by changing the name of our island from
GUAHAN to GUAM was pure and unadulterated MURDER of our people and our race. This Military BUILDUP will be the Final Nail
on our coffin.
We want our IDENTITY Back.
We are CHAMORI from the Paradise Island of GUAHAN.
Anina Chamori. Abiba GUAHAN.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
So Sorry Mr. Sgambelluri, your paper is a total hogwash. This name change must happen and will happen
at whatever cost. America will pay for this crisis because it was their dastardly act. We did not change our island's name,
they did and in doing so, they unraveled the most heinous and dispicable act of Ethnic Cleansing and the MURDER of our people
and our Race. This name change will be the beginning of a new dawn for our island and our people. It will muster and unite
our desires and wills to forever advance ourselves into the future, as destiny calls. Your foregone conclusion that it will
send us back to a 3rd world despot is abusive, insulting and totally ridiculous. Nobody's listening to you, Mr, Sgambelluri.
This is not about money and how much it will cost. This is about our pride, dignity and honor. This is about who we are and
our true identity. The spirit of our ancestors are alive and well. My Saina will make this happen. Anina Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
PamelaSanchez wrote:
ETHNIC CLEANSING is so very real.
We are CHAMORI from the paradise island of GUAHAN.
our web site and sign our WORLDWIDE PETITION. Please read the testimonials from around the globe.
us on TWITTER. Facebook & YouTube coming SOON.
Anina Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
