

Talking Points
JOB Submission

Change Guam to Guåhan for the children

To the members of the Legislature.

It is with sincere honor and respect that I appeal to you to re-affirm the governor's call in changing the name of our island from Guam to Guåhan. For over 400 years, we have been used, abused and demeaned by the outside world. Our Spanish colonizers raped our women; they vilified our forefathers calling them evil beings, or magnganiti; they forced their Christian religion upon us; they murdered our ancestors in the name of God.

Our American liberators used more modern forms of ethnic cleansing, such as: restricting our people from speaking our language; making us dependent on welfare and food stamps, thus robbing us of our dignity and honor. They stifled and controlled our island's economy, thus forcing our people to relocate elsewhere. This name change is truly our liberation.

This is the best opportunity for us to become united under one common thread: Our ancient identity. This is the best opportunity for us to proclaim to America and the world just who we are. We are Chamori from the Paradise Island of Guåhan.

Please dismiss the politics and the despotic appeals of those who oppose this sacred deed. Their rationale is baseless and unfounded. Do this for the future of our island and our people. Do it for our children. Give them a reason to be proud and passionate. Please give them our very own sacred identity.

Let's make this happen.

Anina Chamori. Abiba Guåhan.

Hita ni' man Taotao Tåno'


Maga'saina mataknga

Washington, D.C.

That picture looks awesome, huh?  We have new ones.
Our attorneys are awfully anxious to get this going. I'm certain they are aware of the freedom of the press lingo. Just the idea of censorship will add much more substance to our cause. 
Some of our friends & supporters on Guahan want to make a huge reception/celebration to welcome him to home. It would be amazing to see an island wide motorcade, befitting a King, huh? Nah...that will kill you.
Hope he will spends a few weeks or months and forced these issues to light.
I believe our people will embrace him like you wouldn't believe.
Please look around and find us a new office space. That SCOG plan is my baby and I want to hit the ground filing lawsuits. 1st on my Agenda is suing the Legislature and all 14-senators for Fraud, Waste & Abuse in wasting $150,000 on this special election. Next, we will be meeting with Senator Matt Rector. He wants to sue the Government and the same 14-senators for a variety of issues, like Unethical conduct and racial discrimination. Please assist me in this regard....somewhere close to the Federal Courts. My Saina and the feds are so supportive of this SCOG and many of our people. Who knows, this may tip the scale and bring the entire island behind my boss.
Man, he is gonna rock the island like you wouldn't believe. Think you should spread the word to all your Kook friends. Maybe you can protest at the airport when he arrives. That would be a trip, huh? A haole protest against a local boy. LOL
Dang it. we hate to win but someone has to, huh?
Thanks, Gary

My Saina may be returning to the Islands.
THE Pacific Daily News Censored me today. Removed all my POSTS in response to other postings and articles in the paper. They violated my Constitutional Right to FREE SPEECH. This is a very serious Infraction. Are we in America or some 3rd world country?
My Saina is flying back from Washington DC. He will decide whether to fly out to Guahan or filed our legal briefs in Honolulu. We will be joined by our Constitutional Attorneys. My Saina wants to press this to the limit by filing a federal Complaint against the Pacific Daily News. I don't mind a little vacation on Hawaii or Guahan. Bar-B-Q spareribs, kelaguin and red rice are
on the menu for me. Yum-yum. 
This is GREAT be sure.  Not only are we being suppressed by America and DOD, we are also being stifled by our daily paper. Is this ETHNIC CLEANSING or what?  Our Constitutional Lawyers will have a FIELD DAY and may earn their pay, for once.
While on island, my saina wants to address several issues:
1. GEPA and their 2009 Water Quality Analysis Report.
2. Filing a Right of Ownership for Tano' Kulalis (Cocos Island) The Sacred Island of the Chamori People.
3. Address the correlation between Lytico & Bodig with the Navy's DDT Spraying Program.
4. Filing a Federal Complaint against Governor Richard O'Leary and the Navy for Ethnic Cleansing.
5. He will be opening the doors of our new office called: SCOG...STAMP-OUT CORRUPTION ON GUAHAN.

Hafa Adai,
We are celebrating today because PDN just committed another ETHNIC CLEANSING act. They have removed my postings in response to articles in their paper. KUAM did it to me Two days ago.
I just told my Saina and he is pleased saying he expected this. Our legal department is elated. This couldn't have come at a better time. The White House will be appalled. MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post will have a field day. Censorship and denial of FREE SPEECH in AMERICA?
More and more evidence for our civil complaint.
Have a nice day, folks.

Voice of the People...

Håfa Adai,

To the Members of the Legislature.

It is with sincere honor and respect that I appeal to you to re-affirm the Governor's call in changing the name of our Island from GUAM to GUAHAN. For over 400 years, we have been used, abused and demeaned by the outside world. OUR Spanish colonizers Raped our women; they vilified our forefathers calling them Evil Beings or Magnganiti; they forced their Christian religion upon us; they murdered our ancestors in the name of GOD; OUR American Liberators used more modern forms of Ethnic Cleansing such as restricting our people from speaking our language; making us dependent on Welfare and Food Stamps thus robbing us of our dignity and honor. They stifled and controlled our island's economy, thus forcing our people to relocate elsewhere. This Name-Change is truly our LIBERATION.

This is the best opportunity for us to become UNITED under one common thread: Our ancient Identity. This is the best opportunity for us to PROCLAIM to AMERICA and the WORLD just who we are. We are Chamori from the Paradise Island of GUAHAN.

Please dismiss the politics and the despotic appeals of those who oppose this Sacred Deed. Their rationale are baseless and unfounded. DO this for the future of our Island and our People. Do it for our Children. Give them a reason to be Proud and Passionate. PLEASE give them our very OWN Sacred Identity.


Anina Chamori. Abiba Guahan.

Hita ni' man Taotao Tano'


Maga'Saina Mataknga

Spiritual Leader of the Chamori People

of Guahan, Luta, Tinian, Saipan, Pagan & Agrihan.

Washington DC

(202) 239-6103

Hello Gary,
Appreciate your comments and sending us a copy of Mr. Duenas' VOP letter.
Just so we be on the same page.....
We are more than hopeful that the Public come out against the Governor's Executive Order. We want the people to REJECT it.
Doing so will cement our legal claims against America committing the crime of Ethnic Cleansing. It would make things so much easier for us. My Saina will not object to a little notoriety pacific-wide, for sure.
On the other hand, if the public support our position and the Legislature re-affirms the Governor's call, it will serve notice on the Congress and place the entire cost burden of the Change on the Federal Government. They smurf our people into this change and completely destroyed our identity and our unity.
Some of your friends have stated that my Saina is crazy and trying to change History. Your friend was perfectly right. We are changing History. We are giving you OUR STORY, OUR WISHES AND OUR DEMANDS TO SECURE OUR OWN IDENTITY. We want to proclaim to the world who we are: CHAMORI from the paradise island of GUAHAN.
What could be more sane and logical than that?
Yes, Please work your magic and help us. Convince as many locals (born or transplant) to REJECT this change. Convince them that what America did in 1898 was NOT ETHNIC CLEANSING. YOU will be more responsible for the worldwide backlash against our country than WE, for highlighting this despicable crime.
Gary, this name change will happen because it is a federal matter and the Congress will change it to save face. America cannot afford ETHNIC CLEANSING on her resume and Foreign policy. How can America retain it's image across the globe as the foremost leader in HUMAN RIGHTS? The choice is yours and the people of our Island. They can allow politics and hatred to promote their decision or they can flow with the tide and change our island's name in a civil and responsible manner...via the legislature and the Congress. Either way is OKAY for us. We are prepared.
We are standing by awaiting the decision of the Legislature. Thumbs UP or THUMBS Down. If they approve the Name Change, we will pull back and suspend our PROTEST RALLY in Honolulu. If they continue with their political kamikaze, then we are left with no choice but to PROTEST and shine the world's attention on this ETHNIC CLEANSING diaspora.
My Saina is a genius, huh? And I am the Ultimate CHAMORI woman.
Thank you very much.
Anina Chamori. Abiba Guahan.
Denver, Colorado
(303) 219-6523

Hello Mr. Sgambelluri,
Thank you again and thank your friends for their comments.
I was going to TUNE YOU OUT as not being relevant but decided not to.
This is going to happen with or without your graces. In all our many PDN Posts, we have suffered thru hours of degradation being called a cult, stupid, dumb and racists. Imagine after 300-years of Spanish abuses and atrocities coupled with a 100-years of American Ethnic Cleansing, we are suddenly a bunch of RACISTS. Whoopie! At least they are not calling us GUAMESE or GUAMANIANS.
This name change is a federal issue. And the Congress will have to deal with it. Governor O'Leary, in his own infinite wisdom decided to baptize our island with GUAM, which promogated a hundred years of ethnic cleansing and the murder of our race and our sacred identity.
As for the Spanish atrocities, our positions are clear. The Archbishop must acknowledge these atrocities and apologize on behalf of the Catholic Church. He does not need to apologize to me, to Larry Muna, to Roke Terlaje or my Saina. He needs to apologize to his own FLOCK, so our people can find solace and healing.
My Saina is the X-FACTOR here. Look around you and witness the new changes popping up. I personally extended my Saina's support to the OUTRIGGER HOTEL for hosting TASI and their Seafaring Society, their Sakman and Flying Proa. Ultimately, the other hotels and GVB will join in and showcase our ancient culture in its beauty and uniqueness.
Mr. Carlos Rojas has already advised the people of Umatak that my Saina found their Discovery Day Celebration to be offensive and demeaning. This year's activities will be their last because we will SHUT THEM DOWN. Notwithstanding, we have prepared for them new Theme ideas which their village council can review and use.
We have been quite supportive of the business community and we have promoted many of them in the field of GREEN TECHNOLOGY and RENEWABLE ENERGY. So funny that our Governor Camacho spent thousands of dollars for his junket trip to the Colorado Renewable Energy Lab when he could acquire many of those ideas from my Saina's ECONOMIC INFOMERCIAL DVD for $275.00. It really isn't about the money because my Saina could care less. It is really about the arrogance of the man when he had less than 9-months left in office....he should have sent someone else to extend the learning curve beyond his tenure.
Our opposition to the Military Buildup is public knowledge. In more ways than you know, we support it but it has to be done right. My Saina has sent many papers to our friends in Congress and the Administration outlining our position. We want the inclusion of the CNMI into the buildup program. Their inclusion MUST BE triggered with complete re-integration of the islands. This is the most opportuned time to achieve this goal. It was tried before in the 60s and failed because our northern cousins rejected it fearing they would be overrun and overwhelmed. The unification of the Chamori people will become a boon for all parties, Business, Tourism, Education, Our People, and America. The United States must nurture and promote this footprint, otherwise we will reject the buildup completely.
Again, I am forwarding your papers to my Saina.
We have more but I believe that is enough fodder for you and your friends...
Anina Chamori. Abiba Guaha.
(303) 219-6523

Change Guam to Guåhan for our ancestors' sake

Why do I support the change of the island name from Guam to Guåhan? Imagine at this moment in your life your freedom, lifestyle, culture, religion and language, taken away by insurgents who do not care and would do anything to force you to do what they want or face fierce punishment or death. They have full control of this island and decided to change the name to please their supporters. We are all angry of this invasion but we couldn't do anything because of the type of armament they have that can annihilate the people living on this island. This type of control lasts for a century.


The newly born islanders lived the way of life of the insurgents and eventually were mixed on the ideals because the elderly people would enlighten them on what the island was before the invasion.

Another country now decides to take control of the island and successfully defeats the insurgents. The island name remains and the people are basically adapting to a different type of lifestyle.

Now as the people get more educated, they find out what their heritage was a century ago and decide to retain such heritage. The people got together and decided to bring back the island's original name, but, ... the new adults don't accept the old name because it was not the name they grew up with.

The opposing group says to avoid the changes because concerns of the name change would alter the flag, government offices, business, even the name of the islanders.

I grew up on this island for 58 years and was raised calling this island Guam. About 33 years ago, I began to learn more of my heritage as a Chamorro. It was through education that my vision of my heritage was much stronger.

The first people who came to this island, seeing the abundance of survival needs, called the island Guåhan. It angers me to think that our early people were raped of their ideals, with no care for their input and placed to the lowest level of all humanity. It is only fitting that our early people be given such dignity and pride. Support the name of their island as it was then.

Thank you, Governor, for your support.



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